Trials In Tainted Space Gender

From Trials in Tainted Space Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. The chest is a body part that Captain Steele can customize. The parameters of this body part that can. #154603846 added by anonymous at Trials in Tainted Space In A Nutshell. Sexual orientations and gender identities. It is our aim to be a inclusive and wholesome. M4A Trials in Tainted Space MultipleTF nsfw Its the year 2457. 120 years ago humanity achieved something that many scientists thought would be impossible, they invented a spaceship that can fly to the mars in less than 3 hours. ← Previous Work Part 2 of the Tainted Hyrule Verse series Next Work → Stats: Published: 2018-10-02 Updated: 2020-08-08 Words: 106892 Chapters: 47/69 Comments: 676.

Femininity determines Captain Steele's physical 'manliness' vs 'girlishness' and will most likely factor into appearance descriptions. It's also one of the components used to calculate Steele's automatic Gender Alignment.


Femininity is scored from -100 (masculine) to 100 (feminine). Whether the in-game Stats screen uses the term 'Femininity' or 'Masculinity' is determined by whether the number is above zero (and thus feminine) or below zero (and thus masculine). For example, a femininity score of 60 would display on the stat screen as 'Femininity: 60%,' while a femininity score of -25 would display on the stat screen as 'Masculinity: 25%'.

During character creation, Steele's femininity will be set based on what gender option is chosen. The femininity score's minimum and maximum values are determined by a number of variables, most notably Steele's genital configuration. As femininity-related content is encountered, the reactions will vary based on Steele's current femininity score. Femininity will influence Steele's lip size.

Creation: Femininity

For the most part, the minimum and maximum potential femininity is locked in by Steele's genitals:

Femininity Ranges
GenitalsFemininity Score

Although some Perks/Races may change the femininity ranges in order of importance

Femininity Range overides
RequirmentFemininity Score
Race is nyrea
(Has penis)
Race is ovir
(Has penis)
Race is ovir
(no penis and has vagina)

Note: There is a 'true' femininity score, a percentage where femininity is scored from 0% (masculine) to 100% (feminine). This section relates to the rescaled variant that is displayed on the statistics screen. Displayed femininity score is calculated as: (true femininity * 2) - 100. The 'true' femininity score is primarily used to calculate the Gender Appearance Rating to determine Steele's automatic Gender Alignment.


The majority of femininity changes will take place when using various transformative items as well as in some events.

Such items include:

Femininity Change
Item/Event Requirement Change
  • Femininity less than 60
  • Increase femininity by 10
Amber Seed
  • Face type not avian
  • Femininity becomes 0
  • Femininity less than 50
  • Increase femininity by 10
  • Femininity not 0
  • Change femininity by 30 until 0
  • Femininity less than 40
  • Increase femininity by 4 to 12
  • Face type not human
  • Femininity less than max
  • Increase femininity by 20
  • Femininity less than maximum
  • Increase femininity by 6 to 40
  • Estrobloom/Tittyblossom doses taken at 5 or more
  • Has 'Perma-cute'perk
  • Lose 'Perma-cute'perk
  • Increase femininity by 20
  • Face type not vulpine
  • Femininity over -40 (Male)
  • Femininity not between 45% and 55%
  • Femininity becomes 50%
  • Face type is vulpine
  • Face lacks Muzzled flag
  • Femininity over -40 (Male)
  • Femininity not between 45% and 55%
  • Femininity becomes 50%
  • Femininity over -40 (Male)
  • Decrease (Male) femininity by 4 to 8
  • Femininity below 40 (Female)
  • Increase (Female) femininity by 4 to 8
Gold Pill
  • Femininity less than 70
  • Increase femininity by 10 to 14
  • Femininity less than 100
  • Increase femininity by 2-4
Kerokoras Venom
  • Femininity less than 60
  • Increase femininity by 4 to 16
  • Femininity greater than minimum
  • Decrease femininity by 2 to 40
Mino Charge
  • Femininity greater than minimum
  • Decrease femininity by 10
  • Femininity less than 50
  • Increase femininity by 10 till 50
Nyrean Candy
  • Femininity less than 100
  • Increase femininity by 2
Orange Pill
  • Femininity less than 70
  • Increase femininity by 10 to 14
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive (male)
  • Femininity less than 80
  • Has penis
  • Increase femininity by 10
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive (female)
  • Femininity not 20
  • Has no penis
  • Increase femininity by 2 to 10
    • By 10 if feminity is less than 10 or more than 30
    • By 4 if feminity is 10-12 or 28-30
    • By 2 if feminity is 14-18 or 22-26
Red Pill
  • Femininity less than 70
  • Increase femininity by 10 to 14
Siren's Bounty
  • Femininity less than Max
  • 50% Chance
  • Increase femininity by 10 until max
Sky Sap
  • Femininity less than maximum
  • Increase femininity by 6
  • Femininity less than maximum
  • Increase femininity by 6 to 40
The Treatment (Amazon variant)
  • Femininity less than maximum femininity
  • 49th treatment hour and beyond
    • Every 3 hours
  • Increase femininity by 3-20
The Treatment (Bimbo and Cum-Cow variants)
  • Femininity not at 100
  • Treatment hours
    • 121
    • 130
    • 140
    • 150
    • 160
    • 168
  • If femininity less than -50
    • Femininity becomes -48
  • If femininity less than 0
    • Femininity becomes 2
  • If femininity less than 50
    • Femininity becomes 52
  • If femininity less than 100
    • Femininity becomes 100
The Treatment (Faux Cow variants)
  • Treatment hour 50
  • No 'Perma-cute'perk
  • No 'Androgyny'perk
  • If femininity is between -20 and 0
    • Femininity becomes -20
  • If femininity is less than -20
    • Increase femininity by 10
  • If femininity is greater than 0
    • Decrease femininity by 10
  • Treatment hours
    • 60
    • 90
    • 123
  • Femininity not between -20 and 0
  • No 'Perma-cute'perk
  • No 'Androgyny'perk
  • If femininity is less than -20
    • Increase femininity by 10 to 30 to a max of 0
  • If femininity is greater than 0
    • Decrease femininity by 10 to 30 to a min of -20
  • Treatment hours
    • 100
    • 143
  • Femininity not between -20 and 0
  • No 'Perma-cute'perk
  • No 'Androgyny'perk
  • If femininity is less than -20
    • Increase femininity by 6 + 2 * (floored((50 - true femininity) * 2/3))
      • If femininity was increased to between -26 and -20
        • Femininity becomes -20
  • If femininity is greater than 0
    • Decrease femininity by 6 + 2 * (floored((true femininity - 40) * 2/3))
      • If femininity was increased to between 0 and 6
        • Femininity becomes 0
  • Femininity is between -20 and 0
  • Neither of the following perk
    • 'Perma-cute'
    • 'Androgyny'
  • Femininity becomes -20
  • Femininity less than -20
  • Femininity becomes -20

Some places/events that can actively alter femininity include:

  • Agreeing to forced bimbofication.
  • Femininity less than 50.
  • Femininity changes to 50.
Holiday Supplies
  • Choosing Helmet or Armor.
  • Femininity less than 40.
  • Femininity changes to 40.
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Trials In Tainted Space Gender Reassignment

Jack / Jill Steele
Full nameJack / Jill Steele
GenderMale / Female
SexMale / Female
OccupationTrust Fund Baby
FamilyMaximilian Steele (Father)
RelativesVictor Steele (Uncle)
Captain Steele (Cousin)
Shade Irons (Cousin)
Astra (Cousin-Once-Removed)


Your Rival in the game, Jack/Jill Steele is an arrogant young man or woman whose gender you choose during character creation. They are your cousin, the child of Maximilian Steele, a billionaire who came to his fortune by siphoning off of your father's success. When Victor Steele dies, Jack/Jill is quick to take on their father's role and attempt to steal your fortune by using your similar genetics to unlock Victor's probes. Thus, one of your main goal in Trials in Tainted Space is to stop your cousin from stealing your inheritance.


Jack and Jill are vaguely described in the game, though art universally depicts them as having a slender frame with little muscle, usually with a dark shirt under a red vest. Your cousin's blonde, with short hair kept neatly trimmed, and is sometimes depicted as wearing glasses.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Your cousin is arrogant and self-assured, convinced of his/her superiority to you. Likely due to their father's own attitude towards Victor Steele, Jack/Jill is snide and condescending, looking to take advantage of you at every turn. They've lived a life of comfort and plenty despite he/she, and his/her father before him/her, taking none of the risks that you and your father must.


Jack/Jill is encountered on Mhen'ga, Tarkus, Myrellion, and Zheng Shi all of these times in close proximity to the dataprobe your father has sent to the planet. S/He is protected by Dane up until the events of Queen Taivra's Palace, a huge ausar bodyguard, and in the first fight against you, uses a gunship to escape with the dataprobe's information. Following his failure to protect them from Queensguard and the Nyrean Praetorians, the Rival fired Dane and replaced him with Feruze. - S/He certainly doesn't fight fair.

Jack/Jill is encountered again on Dhaal during the Zaibatsu party, having snuck in under the ruse of being a Carver Catering employee, your cousin has taken custom mods that makes them resemble a single tailed kaithrit. Captain Steele can mock them or compliment their new appearance, optionally whisking them onto the dance floor during the middle of the party.


During Belle's Exhibition experiment, there's a chance the Player will run into the rival and orally service them. Jack/Jill are also sexable in several Bad Ends.


Trials In Tainted Space Gender Dysphoria

The rival cousin is directly related to the main story's questline.




The rival's names, Jack and Jill, are a reference to the old Nursery Rhyme 'Jack and Jill'. Coincidentally, their names are also shortened version of the masturbation euphemisms Jacking and Jilling off .

Trials In Tainted Space Gender

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